
System Admin


Kurtosys App – An Introduction

The Kurtosys App consists of 4 products: DXM, Documents, Studio, Data. It is the administration console for all data and content. It also includes the System Administration modules for managing Clients, Users and any other administrative functions.

Depending on your role and your functionality requirements, you may have access to 1 or more of these products, and within the various products, access to an assortment of Permissions (functions), again dependent on your role and requirements.


The Digital Experience Manager has Internet Service Provider type functionality, it allows the user to manage their site, domain, set up redirects, and manage site compliance and security.

You can use DXM to access your site in WordPress and from your WordPress site, you can access your editing plugins, like Elementor.


The Documents product includes your full client instance Document Hub or library of documents. It contains the document management functions like configuration of document lists, document upload rules, and also includes access to the Document Templates and Layouts available to a particular client instance.

You can use the Document Production Center to automate Workflows using predefined steps to ensure authorization and generation of different document types, e.g. Factsheets in an appropriate order.


Studio allows the user to create widgets or applications which are embedded in websites. Or using the Studio for Office plugin, these widgets can be used in Word or PowerPoint documents. This allows for data to be displayed in real-time based on data pulled from the client’s database by API calls. These applications can be configured to the client’s specific needs and branding styles to match their custom requirements.


Data allows the user to manage all the client instance data. Data is separated into different data types dependent on whether it is Fund-, Class-, Benchmark- or Account-type data. Data can be manually added using the interface or uploaded via APIs. Most clients have different language options dependent on the country they are based; translations for data are stored here as well as Commentaries and Disclaimers (pieces of text which pull through to websites or documents). Segmentation rules (how funds or classes are categorized) so that data can be seen by specific groups is managed in the Data Hub, as well as Approval Group types and members. The Healthcheck tool is also found here – all data has specific required fields and other fields which are optional, the Healthcheck tool checks uploaded data to confirm that required fields are filled.

System Administration



The Settings cog allows the user to access all System Administration functions. This includes adding items to the Data Dictionary, User management, Client management, Role management, Authentication management (access & security), Pardot integration, Activity Tracking and the full list of Kurtosys Apps templates.


This provides an end-to-end cloud service for clients.