
System Admin


Personalization Tagging

Various companies, such as Optimizely (previously Idio), provide Personalization services to Asset Management clients. Content is personalized through machine learning, and AI, based on a user’s previous browsing history. This is achieved through collecting the meta information from sites using the meta tags specified in the head of a page.

DXM supplies a number of meta elements out of the box by means of its SEO plugin.

< meta name="description" content=" >
< meta name="robots" content=" >
< link rel="canonical" href=" >
< meta property="og:locale" content=" >
< meta property="og:type" content=" >
< meta property="og:title" content=" >
< meta property="og:description" content=" >
< meta property="og:url" content=" >
< meta property="og:site_name" content=" >
< meta property="og:updated_time" content=" >
< meta property="og:image" content=" >
< meta property="og:image:secure_url" content=" >
< meta property="og:image:width" content=" >
< meta property="og:image:height" content=" >
< meta property="og:image:alt" content=" >
< meta property="og:image:type" content=" >

Although some other meta fields are included on the page, they are not used by Optimizely:

< meta name="twitter:card" content=" >
< meta name="twitter:title" content=" >
< meta name="twitter:description" content=" >
< meta name="twitter:image" content=" >

Two additional meta elements have been added to support Post Authors and post Expiry dates. This meta is included in single page posts (i.e. not in Listing Views posts), if the data exists on the page, i.e., if Authors and/or Expiry dates have been set.

< meta property=“idio:author” content=“Author 1"/ >
< meta property=“article:expired_time” content=“2020-11-30"/ >

Note: Author info will only be linked if the custom post type uses team-members as the slug.