
System Admin


Clients Settings


The Clients tab allows for the management of a client’s details. It specifies the Name of the Organization, the GUID relating to that site, if it is a Staging Client, and what Modules are available to the client. As well as access to the client’s settings.

Note: Access to the Clients module is for ClientAdmin and SuperAdmin users only.


Use the Settings cog to access the System Administration tools.


  1. Click Clients in the System Administration pane. This will display the client instance name.

  1. Click on the Client Name. This will open the Client Options pane.

  1. With the Settings tab selected, you can make updates to:

Client Details

  1. Click Client Details to add or update a Salesforce Domain.
  1. Type in the Salesforce Domain that corresponds to your SSO.
  2. Click Save. A green successful task bar will pop up across the bottom of your screen.

Apply Meta Data

  1. Toggle Enable Apply Meta Data on.
  1. Click Save. A green successful task bar will pop up across the bottom of your screen.

Saved Search Notifications

  1. Adjust the Timezone, Send Time and Weekly Notification Day to match your region. This is to set up the email notifications for your Documents Saved Searches.
  1. Click the dropdown arrow to select the Continent/City region for the Timezone.
  2. Click in the time field to select the Hours then Minutes from the clock that is displayed.
  3. Click the dropdown arrow to select a day of the week.
  4. Click Save. A green successful task bar will pop up across the bottom of your screen.

User Defaults

  1. Click the dropdown arrow to select the Default Application to use.
  1. Click Save. A green successful task bar will pop up across the bottom of your screen.

Track Email Notifications

  1. Toggle Receive a copy of all email notifications on to cc an email address every time an email notification is sent out.
  1. Add in at least 1 email address to be cc’d.
  1. Click Save. A green successful task bar will pop up across the bottom of your screen.