What are Users?
Users are the individuals who will be logging into either the Kurtosys App or the Document Portal to access applications, information or documentation.
Adding Bulk Users
Click the Settings cog to access the System Administration tools.
Click Users in the navigation pane. This will open the Users information screen. Any existing Users will be listed in the table along with their login details; Name, Email, Client (the Organization), the Roles that have been assigned to them and their Status (Active Pending Registration, or Inactive).
Click the Add Bulk Users icon to add multiple Users simultaneously.
There are 2 methods for adding bulk users. You can do either of the following.
In the table:
- Enter User details.
Required Fields:
Username – It is best practice to make the Username the same as the User’s email address.
Email (address)
Optional Fields:
Company (these fields can be filled in by the user once they have confirmed their access, and may be used for watermarks and email templates)
- Click the + at the end of the row to add each additional User.
- Click Next.
- Select a Default Application – this is the App from which branded emails will be sent; usually the Kurtosys App. Portal Users should select the App that houses their custom email templates.
- Under Application Access, select any applications the Users will have access to.
- Select the System Roles to assign to the User group.
- Click Save & Finish. A green successful task pop up bar will appear across the bottom of the screen.
You may need to refresh your browser to see the new Users listed in the table along with any existing Users, with a Pending Registration Status.
Use a Manifest
This is a spreadsheet template that can be uploaded with the list of users to be added.- Click Download manifest to access the User template.

The manifest will be downloaded to your desktop and all users can be added.

- Click Add from manifest to upload the spreadsheet and add the Users into the system.

The spreadsheet data will be added to the Add Users table.

- Click Next.
- Select a Default Application – this is usually the Kurtosys App.
- Under Application Access, select any applications the Users will have access to.
- Select one of the options under System Roles to assign to the User group.

- Click Save & Finish. A green successful task pop up bar will appear across the bottom of the screen.

See also Adding a User, Editing a User, Assigning a Role to a User, Locking/Unlocking and Deactivating/Activating Users.