Email Distribution gives you the ability to send documents produced in the Document Production Center, as a Zip file attachment, directly to your Contacts’ email addresses. If you want recipients to receive secure file attachments, you can enable a Document Key, which can use either a free text string of characters, or the personalized Document Key assigned to each Contact.
An Office Template Workflow is also required.
Workflow Editor
- Under Documents | Document Production Center, set up your Office Template Workflow.
- Select the templates to be used by clicking the + in the Inputs tab.
- Click the Distribution tab.

- Click Email in the DISTRIBUTION SETTINGS pane, then toggle on Distribute to Email.

- Click Confirm to accept the Confirm Change pop up message.
- Click back to the Inputs tab, you will now be able to select recipients for your selected templates; type in individual contact names or contact groups.
Click back to the Distribution tab to configure the Email filename, subject and email body text (if any) as per client specifications.- CONFIGURE FILENAME – if you have special characters or blank spaces in your filenames, you can type in a replacement character. This is not mandatory.
- Select an Input Type using the dropdown arrow – either Free text where you can type in a file name or Input where you can use an Office Template property to create the filename.

- Select a Value – the Office Template Title or Code.

- Separator – if you are going to use multiple inputs, type in a character to use a separator between these. Or leave this blank.
- Click +.

- Repeat the above steps to add any additional inputs.
Email Template
- Email Subject – type in a subject line for your email.
- Email body wording – type using HTML formatting.
Note: you can use dynamic fields in double curly brackets as per the specified list.
- Click Save Template.
- Email Address – type in your own email address, then click Send Test Email if you would like to send yourself a test email.
Document Key
- Toggle on Enable Document Key to send emails with secure attachments that may only be opened using a Document Key.
- Use the dropdown arrow to select the Document Key type – choose between the one created while creating your Contacts, or a Free Text key.
- If you select Free Text, type in a Value for the key.
- Click 1 of the checkboxes to select which file type to send. Select the file type which matches the generate step in your workflow.
- Click Save.
Production Center
- Click the Production Center tab.
- Click NEW RUN, then run the Email Distribution workflow.
- Allow the run to complete by clicking through the tasks.
- Click Completed in the navigation pane, then click the blue arrow to Send to Email.
The sent emails will be confirmed by a green check in the Send to Email column.