
System Admin


How to embed a Fund Center

A Fund Center can be embedded in a web page by inserting the following HTML in the area where the Fund Center should be displayed. You can use the JS/HTML widget within Elementor to add these elements onto the page:

HTML area:

<div id="fundCenter"></div>

Script area (URL of the script):

The script src should be replaced by the Application Manager URL for your Fund Center and should always reference the main.js file. When the script executes, Fund Center will be loaded into the fundCenter div.

Please note, you may see previous versions of Fund Center using a div id “kurtosysDocLibrary”. Whilst this is still supported for backwards compatibility, it should not be used.

Embed code parameters

There are several optional parameters available to configure Fund Center via the fundCenter element. Parameters must be passed in using “data-” attributes. For example:

<div id="fundCenter" data-culture="en-GB" data-fundlist="Institutional"></div>

[table id=2 /]